
Showing posts from July, 2016

Refuting the teaching of "Immortality on earth"

Immortality on Earth is the false teaching that a believer in Christ need not die physically but has the potential to overcome physical death through faith and live forever on the earth, enjoying everlasting life ON EARTH. The pioneer of this teaching is Pastor Kobus Van Rensburg Sr. Founder of the Spirit Word Church, South Africa (who died in 2013). This teaching is propagated by his son Pastor Kobus Van Rensburg Jr., his disciple Pastor Kirby de Lanerolle (WOW Life, Srilanka), Pastor Jesudian Silvester (Father’s House, Chennai) and others. Here are a few links of the Immortality on earth teachings: Late 'Prophet' Kobus Van Rensburg Sr :  Immortal Everlasting Life: Pastor Kirby De Lanerolle :   6 part Immortality series: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:

Christian Breatharianism

“Christian” Breatharianism is the dangerous teaching that believers can live a “fasted life” without eating any food and survive by partaking only of the Lord’s Supper/ Holy communion everyday and drawing from sunlight  and other energy vibrations. This teaching is propagated by Srilankan Pastor Kirby De Lanerolle (WOW Life church) who claims that he eats only a few times a year. From Wikipedia: Inedia (Latin for "fasting") or breatharianism /brɛθˈɛəriənɪzəm/ is the belief that it is possible for a person to live without consuming food. Breatharians claim that food, and in some cases water, are not necessary for survival, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force in Hinduism. According to Ayurveda, sunlight is one of the main sources of prana, and some practitioners believe that it is possible for a person to survive on sunlight alone. The terms breatharianism or inedia may also refer to this philosophy practice