Refuting the teaching of "Immortality on earth"

Immortality on Earth is the false teaching that a believer in Christ need not die physically but has the potential to overcome physical death through faith and live forever on the earth, enjoying everlasting life ON EARTH.

The pioneer of this teaching is Pastor Kobus Van Rensburg Sr. Founder of the Spirit Word Church, South Africa (who died in 2013). This teaching is propagated by his son Pastor Kobus Van Rensburg Jr., his disciple Pastor Kirby de Lanerolle (WOW Life, Srilanka), Pastor Jesudian Silvester (Father’s House, Chennai) and others.

Here are a few links of the Immortality on earth teachings:
Late 'Prophet' Kobus Van Rensburg Sr

Pastor Kirby De Lanerolle:  6 part Immortality series:

Pastor Jesudian Silvester:
So you really want to die?

Please follow the three part REFUTATION of the Immortality on earth doctrine by L.T. Jeyachandran, Apologist & Bible Expositor:


  1. Kirby has recently come out with three new videos about immortality. Thank you for posting Jeyachandran's videos. I'll be watching them. I was preparing my own notes to make my own message/video about this and other teachings. I've met Kirby for a couple of minutes. Several people I've met around where I live in the US believe his teachings.


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