The Emerging "Christian" LGBTQ movement in India

Over the past few years, the LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer) movement has been picking  up momentum in India. The Church in India needs to be sensitised to the discrimination and harassment faced by the LGBT community and equipped to become a place where they are loved & welcomed to experience healing and freedom in Christ.

 A new emerging trend is the sprouting of "Christian" homosexual fellowships in several cities with endorsement of the homosexual practice coming from several “liberal” Theological Institutions & Theologians in India. This was reported in the  July 3rd Times of India articleYes, they’re gay & pious too” which also mentioned the emergence of Christian groups like “Queer in Christ” in Bangalore, "Christians against Homophobia" in Chennai etc.  Someday not too long from now, we can expect the starting of Gay churches in India.

 It is perhaps only a matter of time before India decriminalises homosexuality and the LGBTQ movement will then explode on the Indian landscape with serious implications for the Indian Church. The Church in India is largely unequipped to handle this challenge.

In this context, Christian NGO Oasis Founder Steve Chalke’s mission to enlist churches who will endorse/affirm/bless monogamous faithful same sex relationships through an “OPEN CHURCH CHARTER” in the UK assumes great importance, considering its potential future impact in India. See:

Another significant development is the recent Seminar on "Church & Sexuality" by Lesbian Pastor from New York, Rev.Winnie Varghese hosted by United Theological College (UTC) Bangalore. See:  This is the second time she has been hosted at UTC. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

It is a wake up call for the Church in India to proactively proclaim truth, equip the Church in Biblical Hermeneutics and address topics like Biblical Sexuality. If not, the vaccum will be filled by the likes of Winnie Varghese & Steve Chalke.


  1. We must begin to speak on this issue on an urgent basis at all levels beginning with our own Churches..

    1. Yes we has far reaching consequences

  2. Johns Hopkins University in Maryland released a new 143-page report revealing no scientific evidence that people are "Born" Gay or Transgender.

    1. Can u post the link of this doc link/news report

    2. Report on

    3. Here is the link to the John Hopkins University's report:


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