
Showing posts from 2017

An article on Trangenderism

Does the Bible say anything about the Transgenders? Is there any guidance for us Christians on how to handle someone facing a gender confusion? This article by Pastor Kevin Deyoung provides a good starting point for any Christian wanting to understand Transgenderism. This article was forwarded by Dr. Vijay Kanth, GIFT.

Why we must give the hellish Shack movie theology a WHACK?

Duke Jeyaraj uses the acronym w-h-a-c-k to give a biblical rebuttal of the Trinitarian Gospel which he labels, “Twisted Trinitarian Gospel.” Here is a summary of the movie/book The Shack from, “To summarize, the shape of the novel is this: Mackenzie (Mack) Phillips' youngest daughter, Missy, is abducted and brutally murdered during a family vacation. Following Missy's death, Mack, who has always had a somewhat tenuous relationship with God, falls into what he calls "the Deep Sadness." One wintry day, Mack receives a letter from God (in his mailbox) asking him to meet God in the shack where Missy's bloody dress—the only evidence of her murder—was recovered. The rest of the book is a conversation between Mack and the Trinity.” I want to use the acronym w-h-a-c-k to outline five main Biblical reasons to give the movie/book, The Shack, and the connected “Twisted” Trinitarian Gospel presented by

'Hyper-Grace' Message Creating Culture of Lawlessness

Source: As the message of grace has become the vogue message in today's church culture, have we become unbalanced? Does the law have a place in our preaching alongside grace? Is it possible to once again take delight in the law of God? Bear with me as I ask a few of these important questions. Let the Holy Spirit speak, and may He bring the light of truth. IS GOD'S LAW STILL RELEVANT FOR TODAY?  IS IT POSSIBLE TO TAKE DELIGHT IN GOD'S LAW AND STILL BE UNDER GRACE? SHOULD THE LAW BE PREACHED TODAY? Please read: SUBMITTED BY - Daniel K Norris

Book Review

Name of the Book :  Neither Jew Nor Church But One Eternal Man Jesus Author :  Raj Samuel Publisher : Rasam Publications, Dundee, Scotland Year of Publication :  2016 Reviewed by :  J.N. Manokaran The recent book of Raj Samuel is not new as similar ideas have been published several times in several formats since the 1960s. Generally, these books are termed as ‘ Liberal theology ’.   This is old wine in a new bottle.   The surprising element is that the book is camouflaged in evangelical terminology.   Except for the academic purpose of evaluating or reviewing, the book need not be read at all.  The author does not believe that the Bible is the Word of God.  Hence, he bring ideas from outside the biblical worldview and interprets Scriptural passages as proof texts to impose his own imagination.  In fact, he presents another Christ, that was warned by Paul in his letter to Galatians.  ‘ Matter will become holy and become one with God. ’  For this, the author does not quote any sc