Book Review

Name of the Book:  Neither Jew Nor Church But One Eternal Man Jesus
Author:  Raj Samuel
Publisher: Rasam Publications, Dundee, Scotland
Year of Publication:  2016
Reviewed by:  J.N. Manokaran

The recent book of Raj Samuel is not new as similar ideas have been published several times in several formats since the 1960s.

Generally, these books are termed as ‘Liberal theology’.  This is old wine in a new bottle.  The surprising element is that the book is camouflaged in evangelical terminology. 

Except for the academic purpose of evaluating or reviewing, the book need not be read at all. 
The author does not believe that the Bible is the Word of God.  Hence, he bring ideas from outside the biblical worldview and interprets Scriptural passages as proof texts to impose his own imagination.  In fact, he presents another Christ, that was warned by Paul in his letter to Galatians. 
Matter will become holy and become one with God.’  For this, the author does not quote any scripture.  The author is more obsessed with the reconciliation of the whole world rather than redemption of sinful humanity. 

Again this statement cannot be authenticated by the Word of God. “God created angels in the form of Man with celestial bodies.” (p. 79) Scripture teaches us that Adam was created to be a unifier of the Creation.” (p.81)  Again, there is no Scripture reference.  Such statements are general statements without theological or biblical foundation. 

Hell is an ultimate impossibility, because already there is no one outside Christ.” (p. 113)  This is a dangerous statement.  Thus the author rejects the existence of hell and makes the Bible a laughing stock.  Worse, he makes the Lord Jesus Christ, The Truth - a liar who could not be trusted. 

The author states that there is no one outside Christ.  The only reason the author gives is the Love of God. He even quotes the Parable of Prodigal Son - that God is always Father and he always accepts his people without conditions.   Rejecting all sound doctrines, the other attributes of God, the author focusses and emphasizes only on the Love of God. 

Even before we received Christ we were seated together in Him because of His marvelous work.” (P. 114)  The author confuses eternity and the present reality.  In fact, he tries to ignore the world, experiences and just focusses on eternity.

The Lord Jesus called people to repent and inherit the kingdom of God.  The author states that there is no need for repentance.  The Lord’s prayer for forgiveness of his tormentors on the cross is cited as proof. 

Missions or the Great Commission has no purpose as ultimately all will be included in Christ and there is no hell according to the author.  Even other religions that believe in Karma also believe that ultimately all will be immersed in one ultimate reality.  The author also takes the same stand that all humanity would be saved. 

The book is not true to the Scripture, rejects the Christ portrayed in the Bible, and ignores many doctrines and principles of the Bible like Judgment, Hell etc.  The author cleverly uses bible verses to prove his position or stands ignoring the context of the verses and the revelation of the whole Bible.  Unless, people of God (who call themselves as disciples of Lord Jesus Christ) are like Berean Christians who had three Es: Eagerly studied the Word; Every day studied the Word as habit and discipline; Examined the Scripture – in depth study and meditation, there would be numerous authors like this.  Also good bible teachers have failed to produce books that would bless Christians in this country.  That space is occupied by writers who do not have a biblical worldview but call themselves as Christian writers.  


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