
Showing posts from 2016

Lust for power is exercised through wrong doctrine - L. T. Jeyachandran

"Wrong doctrine always gets people to come back to you, so that you hook them on to yourself and they start eating out of your hand. Or they start quoting you verbatim. They'll pick out verses here and there...some of them have totally gone overboard on to the wrong side...some of them are on the slippery slope. These doctrines that seem to be specialised doctrines are actually wrong doctrines which get people hooked on to you. You may have bigger attendance in those churches than in the churches that teach biblical doctrine" says Apologist and Bible Teacher L.T. Jeyachandran as he explores the relationship between Wrong Doctrine and the Lust for Power in this short video: -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L.T. Jeyachandran did his M.Tech at the prestigious Institute of Technology (IIT)  Madras and

L. T. Jeyachandran Refutes the Immortality on Earth False Teaching

In view of the emerging erroneous teaching of ‘IMMORTALITY ON EARTH’ (by exercising faith, a believer can live forever on the earth without physically dying) the Grace & Truth Coalition requested the renowned Apologist & Bible Expositor L.T. Jeyachandran  to share his views. Watch the two part refutation of the 'Immortality on earth' doctrine by L.T : PART 1: PART 2: -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L. T. Jeyachandran  did his M.Tech at the prestigious Institute of Technology (IIT)  Madras and after a career spanning 3 decades with the Government of India, retired as Chief Engineer (East Zone).  Subsequently, L. T served with the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) for 18 years retiring as Executive Director of RZIM (Asia-Pacific), Singapore.  He has addressed stude

Exploring Terminologies and Classifications

Error, False Teaching, Heresy, Blasphemy etc. Exploring terminology, classification and responses to various grades, levels and degrees of false teachings  This is a space to discuss and share your thoughts on some of the following questions regarding False teachings & False teachers: Since we come across the terms - Error, False teaching, Heresy, Blasphemy, False Teacher etc in the New Testament scriptures: How do we relate those biblical terms to today's context of erroneous /false teachings and false teachers? What according to the scriptures is Sound Doctrine? What are CORE & FRINGE teachings? NON-NEGOTIABLES & NEGOTIABLES of the Gospel? On what basis did Jesus, Paul, Peter etc label someone as a False teacher? How did they respond to false teachings/false teachers? What is the biblical basis to expose and refute false teachings/false teachers?  What can be labelled or categorised as False Teaching? Who can be classified as a False teacher?  What is

Fundamentals counters False Teaching

It is good to note that False Teaching is recognized as such and counter measures are being taken by younger leaders and newer churches.  This itself is a healthy sign.  However, it is essential to understand that there are fundamental principles that when ignored or violated, allows False Teaching to flourish and multiply.  I have put some fundamentals in an easy to way to understand, to build the immune system that withstands False Teaching onslaught. Anchor or Astray? First of all each and every disciple of Lord Jesus Christ should have a daily discipline and daily habit of devotionally studying the Word of God.  Habit and discipline like brushing the teeth.  Missing one day is also detrimental to health, so is the spiritual health.  It is devotional study and not academic study.  The fundamental belief that the Bible is THE word of God.  (Not that Bible contains the Word of God or Bible includes the Word of God).  Second, Bible is God’s Word.  One who does not read it states to

When Rock Star Preachers Spew a False Gospel

I am convinced that too many people who claim to be Christ-followers are not really saved because some false teachers and false prophets are propagating a “different gospel” centered on “another Jesus” (see 2 Cor. 11:3-4).  I am convinced that many self-professing saints are going to sit right next to sinners in hell when it’s all said and done—thanks, in part, to rock-star preachers presenting a hyped-up, watered-down, seeker-friendly gospel. Read the full article here: -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including A Prophet's Heart: Avoiding the Doorway to Deception .

Analysing the Teachings of Andrew Wommack & Charis Bible College

Andrew Wommack is a popular Word-Faith movement preacher who regularly broadcasts his TV program The gospel truth  via GOD TV into India. His Bible College called Charis Bible College operates in Chennai, Hyderabad & Mumbai. See: His India website is: This section intends to explore some of the teachings of Andrew Wommack that may be out-of-balance or unscriptural. Please share your views. .

The Slippery Slope

Conceived by Dr.Chadwick Mohan, Lead Pastor NLAG, Chennai

How Can I Minister To Those Trapped By The Hyper Grace False Teaching?

Dr. Duke Jeyaraj gives the answers in the acronym   G-R-A-C-E The Hyper Grace Doctrine has sadly captured the imagination of today’s youth and broadcast widely by social media channels. Here are some of the core-teachings of Hyper-Grace teachers: 1) All our future sins are forgiven the moment we are saved; 2) Holy Spirit does not convict believers of sin; 3) Message of Judgement/warning is not relevant for believers; 4) Believers need not repent and ask Jesus for forgiveness when they fall into sin. When point four is practiced, a person’s sin remains unforgiven and unforgiven people go to hell. Therefore I call the hyper-grace group (the preachers and followers) a cult. A cult – I believe - is any sect of Christianity which goes wrong in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity so as to affect the salvation of those who follow it.  It is not my purpose in this brief article to give a point by point rebuttal of hyper-grace. But I want to use the acronym  G-R-A-C-E to brin

Dr. Bennet Lawrence Refutes the Doctrine of Immortality on Earth

Dr. Bennet Lawrence examines 5 'proof texts' commonly used by the Immortality on Earth preachers 1. Introduction: The Doctrine of   Immortality on earth  also known as “Everlasting life on earth” is a new teaching spreading like forest fire in recent years. This teaching originated and was quite popular in South Africa but is recently found even in our own backyard, in a few churches in Chennai and other Indian cities. This teaching of Immortality on earth states that when a person believes in Christ he/she receives life from God to the extent that he/she need not experience physical death anymore. The preachers of this new teaching suggest that by believing in this doctrine the believer can skip physical death. The immortality preachers further state that one generation must overcome physical death inorder for Christ to come in all glory (Second Coming). In the below subtitles we shall look at some of their claims and their veracity through careful analyses of the Script

Unmasking Legalism

In a land of many rituals, customs, superstitious beliefs and blind traditional practices, even many believers of the Lord Jesus are strongly influenced by several misguided beliefs and practices that are prevalent in our culture inorder to gain spirituality. Legalism defined/ explained: This is a world view that suggests, ‘I must earn God’s acceptance’, God is a hard task master who will take me to task if I fall short’, ‘I am not worthy’, living with doubts and fears about losing salvation, somehow trying hard to find favor with God through performance and good works. One of the biggest struggles we face in our pursuit to true spirituality in Christian life is to constantly overcome false legalistic religiosity. Paul Travis, co-author with Neil T Anderson defines Christian legalism as “seeking to attain, gain, or maintain acceptance with God, or achieve spiritual growth, through keeping a written or unwritten code or standard of performance” · It results in a life lived in t

The Emerging "Christian" LGBTQ movement in India

Over the past few years, the LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer) movement has been picking  up momentum in India. The Church in India needs to be sensitised to the discrimination and harassment faced by the LGBT community and equipped to become a place where they are loved & welcomed to experience healing and freedom in Christ.  A new emerging trend is the sprouting of "Christian" homosexual fellowships in several cities with endorsement of the homosexual practice coming from several “liberal” Theological Institutions & Theologians in India. This was reported in the  July 3 rd Times of India article “ Yes, they’re gay & pious too” which also mentioned the emergence of Christian groups like “Queer in Christ” in Bangalore, "Christians against Homophobia" in Chennai etc.   Someday not too long from now, we can expect the

12 HYPER Teachings that harm the Church - Joseph Mattera

Hyper-Grace, Hyper-Holiness, Hyper-Calvinism, Hyper-Arminianism, Hyper-Love, Hyper-Faith, Hyper-Prosperity, Hyper-High Church, Hyper-Kingdom, Hyper-Dispensational, Hyper-Charismatic, Hyper-Rational I have heard it said “balance is the key to life”. I agree with that statement, as I have found that any truth taken to the extreme (that ignores others aspects related to its subject) is unbalanced and can be harmful. This is also why Paul the Apostle said that he teaches “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), which involves a full-orbed presentation of truth. The following are some of the hyper-teachings that have been harmful to the body of Christ, in my opinion:Continue reading

Analysing Joseph Prince & his radical grace teaching - by Joseph Mattera

A helpful article by Joseph Mattera reviewing Joseph Prince's book   Destined to Reign - the secret to effortless success, wholeness and victorious living.  Since there has been a wave of articles against hyper-grace preaching and churches in the past year, I decided to read a key book authored by Joseph Prince, who is considered by many the main progenitor of this genre of teaching.  Read on:

Refuting the teaching of "Immortality on earth"

Immortality on Earth is the false teaching that a believer in Christ need not die physically but has the potential to overcome physical death through faith and live forever on the earth, enjoying everlasting life ON EARTH. The pioneer of this teaching is Pastor Kobus Van Rensburg Sr. Founder of the Spirit Word Church, South Africa (who died in 2013). This teaching is propagated by his son Pastor Kobus Van Rensburg Jr., his disciple Pastor Kirby de Lanerolle (WOW Life, Srilanka), Pastor Jesudian Silvester (Father’s House, Chennai) and others. Here are a few links of the Immortality on earth teachings: Late 'Prophet' Kobus Van Rensburg Sr :  Immortal Everlasting Life: Pastor Kirby De Lanerolle :   6 part Immortality series: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:

Christian Breatharianism

“Christian” Breatharianism is the dangerous teaching that believers can live a “fasted life” without eating any food and survive by partaking only of the Lord’s Supper/ Holy communion everyday and drawing from sunlight  and other energy vibrations. This teaching is propagated by Srilankan Pastor Kirby De Lanerolle (WOW Life church) who claims that he eats only a few times a year. From Wikipedia: Inedia (Latin for "fasting") or breatharianism /brɛθˈɛəriənɪzəm/ is the belief that it is possible for a person to live without consuming food. Breatharians claim that food, and in some cases water, are not necessary for survival, and that humans can be sustained solely by prana, the vital life force in Hinduism. According to Ayurveda, sunlight is one of the main sources of prana, and some practitioners believe that it is possible for a person to survive on sunlight alone. The terms breatharianism or inedia may also refer to this philosophy practice