Exploring Terminologies and Classifications

Error, False Teaching, Heresy, Blasphemy etc. Exploring terminology, classification and responses to various grades, levels and degrees of false teachings 

This is a space to discuss and share your thoughts on some of the following questions regarding False teachings & False teachers:

Since we come across the terms - Error, False teaching, Heresy, Blasphemy, False Teacher etc in the New Testament scriptures:

  • How do we relate those biblical terms to today's context of erroneous /false teachings and false teachers?
  • What according to the scriptures is Sound Doctrine?
  • What are CORE & FRINGE teachings? NON-NEGOTIABLES & NEGOTIABLES of the Gospel?
  • On what basis did Jesus, Paul, Peter etc label someone as a False teacher? How did they respond to false teachings/false teachers?
  • What is the biblical basis to expose and refute false teachings/false teachers? 
  • What can be labelled or categorised as False Teaching? Who can be classified as a False teacher? 
  • What is heresy? Who can be called as a Heretic? What does the Bible indicate as heresy?
  • Is it reasonable/justifiable to brand everyone who teaches error or misinterprets scriptures as a False Teacher? Or are there grades / levels of false teachings beginning from ERROR all the way down the slippery slope to CULTIC teaching?
  • Can all Unbalanced, Over/Under Emphasised teaching be called as False Teaching?
  • Do we respond differently - to those who tamper/distort the CORE/NON-NEGOTIABLES versus those who do NOT tamper with Core/Essentials/Non-Negotiables but only tamper with fringe/negotiable aspects of doctrine?
  • Is there any indication in the scriptures to deal /respond differently to different kinds/levels of false teachings?

Please post your comments, observations & insights.

You may also post external articles and links that are related to this topic.


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