
Welcome to the False Teaching Action Blog!

This Blog is an extension of the FTA (False Teaching Action)  Whatsapp group that was started over a year ago (23rd May 2015) by the Grace & Truth Coalition to bring awareness specifically on a few emerging erroneous teachings that are infiltrating the Church in India namely : Hypergrace, Immortality on Earth, Breatharianism and related topics/issues such as Legalism, LGBTQ, Inclusion Theology/Universalism etc. 

As on date, the FTA Whatsapp group has around 200 participants -Pastors, Ministry/Para Church/Mission leaders,Theologians etc from every major city in India. There are plans to start FTA whatsapp groups in regional languages & FTA City/State Chapters that would conduct consultations,workshops/seminars etc

Mission of the FTA group: EXPOSE, EQUIP, ENGAGE - exposing these newer emerging False Teachings, equipping the church with truth resources in the area of biblical hermeneutics & theological discernment & engaging with False teachers whenever possible, for the sake of the health of Christ's bride, His Church.

Titus 1:9 captures the essence of the FTA group's purpose: "He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it"

The FTA groups will serve as a strategic nationwide "Early Warning System" to alert Church Leaders before the Tsunami of relatively newer & unfamiliar false teachings iinfiltrate and affect the health of the Church in India.

The FTA blog will be the main discussion board for the FTA  Whatsapp Groups. Our aim is to promote detailed discussions on the blog and keep the Whatsapp medium only for short messaging, announcements,alerts,links to the blog etc. 

We are also in the process of setting up a repository of Resource materials (on Dropbox/OneDrive), such as documents and audio/video material, that can be used for teaching and training.

Who can benefit from this blog?
This blog would be of particular interest to those inclined to identify, expose and refute erroneous teachings. The blog would also be of assistance to anyone, keen on understanding and teaching sound doctrine. (Titus 1:9)

Code of Conduct:
We must understand that being a member of this FTA group, does not automatically provide any immunity against False Doctrines. We need to continually depend on the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures to help us discern.

Each topic will have a discussion page, which will allow ample room for interaction on that topic. Let our comments and discussions, be put up in the spirit of humility, respect, love and mutual submission, considering the others better than ourselves - in short "Christ-like" - with a clear understanding that "we're are not wrestling against flesh and blood" and we are uniting "to destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God."

Also being a part of this group doesn't give us the licence to mock, ridicule and belittle those propagating erroneous doctrines. We are not against the teachers per se but their teachings. 

Whilst we will continue to speak the truth in love, exposing those false teachings and identifying those teaching them, our attitude needs to be that of humility (we were once living in deception too) and caution (lest we ourselves fall). We will continue to reach out to those proponents, in the love of Christ believing in the redemptive potential of the gospel to restore them and their followers to the truth.

If you wish to become an active member of this blog (to comment, post etc) please click the link below and fill-in the short application form:

To post articles, please email your articles to: falseteachingaction@gmail.com

We are very excited at starting this blog! We invite you to participate in the discussions.

In Excelsis Deo!

- FTA Blog Admin Team


  1. Friends, would somebody speak-up a bit on over-emphasis on healing now a days commonly seen in the churches !I firmly believe in healing through prayers ,that is one of the biblical fundamentals,but want to know more in this regard.


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