Hyper Grace

What is Hyper-Grace???

The term hyper-grace has been used to describe a new wave of teaching that emphasizes the grace of God to the exclusion of other vital teachings such as repentance and confession of sin.

Hyper-grace teachers maintain that all sin, past, present and future has been forgiven, so there is no need for a believer to ever confess it. Hyper-grace teaching says that, when God looks at us, He sees only holy and righteous people.

The conclusion of hyper-grace teaching is that we are not bound even by Jesus' teaching, even as we are not under the Law; that believers are not responsible for their sin; and that anyone who disagrees is a pharsaical legalist. In short, hyper-grace teachers "pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality" (Jude1:4) and flirt with antinomianism. 

(source: gotquestions.org)

In this post and the thread that follows, we will be discussing the erroneous teaching of Hyper grace. We will be posting resources (articles, videos and links) that expose this doctrine and instruct the readers/viewers a right understanding of the gospel.

If you have resources, you would like to share for the benefit of this community, please email the same to falseteachingaction@gmail.com. The administrators of this blog will review the same and post it.

- FTA Blog Admin


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