The acronym LGBTQ - stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer (and questioning).

Lesbian - An individual who identifies as a woman, who is predominantly (sexually and romantically) attracted to other women.

Gay - An individual who identifies as a man, who is predominantly (sexually and romantically) attracted to other men.

Bisexual - An individual who is sexually and romantically attracted to men and women.

Transgender - An individual who identifies as the opposite sex and not the sex that he/she was born. 

Queer - An individual who does not identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, but feels more comfortable identifying as "queer", which is commonly thought of as a term that is fluid and inclusive of diverse sexual orientations and/or gender identities.

Questioning - An individual who is unsure about his/her sexual orientation and/or gender identity and prefers to identify as "questioning" rather than adhering to a label that does not designate how/she feels. 

Same groups identify themselves as LGBTQI or LGBTQA:

Intersex - An individual having a medical condition (congenital anomaly) of the reproductive and sexual system.

Asexual - An individual with no sexual feelings or association.


In this post and the thread that follows, we will be discussing the issue and erroneous teachings relating to LGBTQ community. We will be posting resources (articles, videos and links) that instruct the readers/viewers of the biblical standpoint and expose erroneous teachings.

If you have resources, you would like to share for the benefit of this community, please email the same to The administrators of this blog will review the same and post it.

- FTA Blog Admin


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