
Showing posts from 2026


Welcome to the False Teaching Action Blog! This Blog is an extension of the FTA ( False Teaching Action )   Whatsapp group that was started over a year ago (23rd May 2015) by the Grace & Truth Coalition to bring awareness specifically on a few emerging erroneous teachings that are infiltrating the Church in India namely :  Hypergrace, Immortality on Earth, Breatharianism  and related topics/issues such as  Legalism, LGBTQ, Inclusion Theology/Universalism  etc.  As on date, the FTA Whatsapp group has around 200 participants -Pastors, Ministry/Para Church/Mission leaders,Theologians etc from every major city in India. There are plans to start FTA whatsapp groups in regional languages & FTA City/State Chapters that would conduct consultations,workshops/seminars etc Mission of the FTA group: EXPOSE, EQUIP, ENGAGE - exposing these newer emerging False Teachings, equipping the church with truth resources in the area of biblical hermeneutics & theological discern

Hyper Grace

What is Hyper-Grace??? The term hyper-grace has been used to describe a new wave of teaching that emphasizes the grace of God to the exclusion of other vital teachings such as repentance and confession of sin. Hyper-grace teachers maintain that all sin, past, present and future has been forgiven, so there is no need for a believer to ever confess it. Hyper-grace teaching says that, when God looks at us, He sees only holy and righteous people. The conclusion of hyper-grace teaching is that we are not bound even by Jesus' teaching, even as we are not under the Law; that believers are not responsible for their sin; and that anyone who disagrees is a pharsaical legalist. In short, hyper-grace teachers "pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality" (Jude1:4) and flirt with antinomianism.  (source: ) In this post and the thread that follows, we will be discussing the erroneous teaching of Hyper grace . We will be posti

Trinitarian Universalism

Trinitarian Universalism is a variant of Universalism, a false teaching that propagates that the loving, merciful God will not allow anyone to perish. And all human souls, will ultimately be reconciled to God.  In this blog post, we will be discussing erroneous teachings of Universalism & Trinitarian Universalism. We will be posting resources (articles, videos and links) that expose these doctrines and instruct the readers/viewers a right understanding of the gospel. If you have resources, you would like to share for the benefit of this community, please email the same to . The administrators of this blog will review the same and post it.  - FTA Blog Admin


Legalism refers to teaching and practice, which states directly or in an implied manner strict adherence to the law. Simple put - it is works based religion.  In this post and the thread that follows, we will be discussing the erroneous practice and teaching of legalism . We will be posting resources (articles, videos and links) that expose this doctrine and instruct the readers/viewers on the right understanding of the gospel. If you have resources, you would like to share for the benefit of this community, please email the same to The administrators of this blog will review the same and post it. - FTA Blog Admin


The acronym LGBTQ - stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer (and questioning). Lesbian - An individual who identifies as a woman, who is predominantly (sexually and romantically) attracted to other women. Gay - An individual who identifies as a man, who is predominantly (sexually and romantically) attracted to other men. Bisexual - An individual who is sexually and romantically attracted to men and women. Transgender - An individual who identifies as the opposite sex and not the sex that he/she was born.  Queer - An individual who does not identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, but feels more comfortable identifying as "queer", which is commonly thought of as a term that is fluid and inclusive of diverse sexual orientations and/or gender identities. Questioning - An individual who is unsure about his/her sexual orientation and/or gender identity and prefers to identify as "questioning" rather than adher

Breatharianism & Immortality on Earth

Breatharianism is a dangerous false teaching that believers can live without eating any food (a fasted lifestyle) by partaking only of the Holy Communion everyday, drawing from sunlight and other energy vibrations.  Immortality on Earth is the false teaching that a believer in Christ does not have to physically die and has the potential to overcome physical death through faith, to live forever on the earth. In this post and the thread that follows, we will be discussing erroneous teachings of Breatharianism & Immortality on earth. We will be posting resources (articles, videos and links) that expose these doctrines and instruct the readers/viewers a right understanding of the gospel. If you have resources, you would like to share for the benefit of this community, please email the same to . The administrators of this blog will review the same and post it.  - FTA Blog Admin